Monday, August 30, 2010

Fishing Fun at Pacifica Pier

So I want to show off my fishing skill... and I'm so generous that I want to share the secret here. The above pictures were taken on the 22nd of this month at Pacifica Pier, it was our second time fishing there. The first picture (top left) is me holding a Silver Surfperch (I caught this fish in a funny way... on the dorsal fin, haha). And the picture on the top right shows total fishes we caught within 2 hours there! There were Silver Surfperches and Walleye Surfperches and two Anchovies on the sticks.

It did feel like hitting the jackpot, because we were the only one kept getting fishes. We actually learned the secret from a family when we were there fishing for the first time. This family's two boys who are probably just 9 or 10 years old but they were the fisherman on the pier that day, and they totally caught about 10 fishes with cheapo looking fishing rods. 

So we think the secret is not so much about what fishing skill, or what equipment because I also used a cheapo fishing rod that's only $10.99,  we think it's the bait. The family was using lived sandworm, and we thought the color of the sandworm might be what make it happen. So we bought artificial sandworm in orange color and it worked! And we were so very glad the family was not there, so we got to hit the jackpot. ;)

The bottom left and right pictures show we tried both grill and steam, and we got to taste surfperch more by steam (the meat came off easier,too), and smelt is definitely great by grilling because you can eat from head to eyes to tail to bone! Crunchy all the way!

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