Saturday, September 04, 2010

Childhood Act

After some oil paintings, I felt like playing with color pencil! And 'Childhood' naturally came to me when I looked at my color pencil while thinking about what to draw. I think because color pencil reminds me of my childhood drawing time, that's one of the most common art medium in an art set given to children. I like how it has the pastel look but it's finer than pastel, and you can do more detail with it.

The top left I named it 'Call Me Princess', I believe many girls had done that... trying on mom's high heels walking around feeling they are princess. The top right I named it 'Let's Play In The Park', little girls like to act like grown ups taking their babydolls everywhere. The one on the left is called 'I Am Beautiful', putting on mom's lipstick showing off to everybody in the house how they can be as beautiful as mom.

Funny thing is that I didn't do any of the above... I watched my younger cousins did all that. I was a tomboy girl all my youth, and I remember seeing evidence (pictures) of myself wearing heavy makeup like a show girl when I was little, I was told it was my aunts' artwork from being bored. 

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