Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tibet Series - Golden Yak Butter

I guess I'm numb to packaged goods in our modern society, and this trip to Tibet I was easily fascinated by raw materials and goods with organic forms. This tiny shop with only one person turn-around space was filled with all kinds of packaged products like liquor, cigarettes, instant noodles and varieties of snacks and sodas. And the only product that was sold without any packaging and wrappers was these blocks of rich bright yellow yak butter that were bigger than the owner's head. 

I found all the beautifully printed wrapped goods looked rather dull comparing to the exposed blocks of yak butter. That organic form and human touched texture on those yak butter evoked my shopping interest. How nice it is to be able to see, smell, touch and ask exactly the part you want to buy.

The shop owner was not that happy because she saw how I was eyes wide opened by those yak butter but knowing only locals would buy them. I could feel her, she wanted to charge me for taking photos of her golden yak butter.

This illustration was done in just pencil and yellow art markers. On Feb. 25th, 2011.

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