Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tibet Series - Yaks See Me

A mom and her kid. They walked peacefully and I was following them quietly... Boy, they had good hearing, they both turned and looked at me with a hateful stare like they're the celebrities and I'm a paparazzi. So, I sensed the tension but at the same time quickly clicked, clicked, clicked taking their photos and ran away.

I wished I can ask them couple of questions, like where they're heading? What for? Where's the dad? What's it like to be a yak? But with that stare, they probably would tell me to get the f**k out of their sight if they could speak. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to talk to animals? So that we can know things directly from their perspective.

I started this illustration with washed-out India ink to create that grey background, and then drew the yaks and trees with color pencils. This was done on Dec. 17th, 2010.

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