Friday, February 10, 2012

Tibet Series - Debating Monks

I was impressed with all the debating monks in the debating courtyard of Sera Monastery. Because they had to concentrate on debating while being watched and photographed by a huge circle of tourists all along the courtyard walls standing or sitting or walking around with the camera in hand like visitors in a zoo. 

Gosh I felt bad for the monks couldn't be left alone! But I couldn't stop myself and my camera moving closer and closer to them. I hope they didn't notice me. Especially this group had a lot more monks involved, and they're so focused that the whole time I was watching them, I didn't see anybody look away towards tourists. The kind of focus drew me in, I liked that energy right there. The kind of focused energy made all noises around them disappear. 

This illustration was done on Dec.11, 2010.

1 comment:

DoubleFantasy said...

Very nice scene; when I'm in LA again I'll look 'round to find where you're showing (galleries). I want to see more of your work. -Matt