Monday, January 02, 2012

Tibet Series - Talking Prayer Flags

It was 2007 I visited Tibet, but these drawings didn't come out until 2010. This first drawing "Talking Prayer Flags" was done on Nov.11, 2010 in my favorite Pantone art markers. 

I was strolling into busy and crowded Chong-Xei-Kon pedestrian market located in Lhasa, and what soon attracted my whole being was rather a quiet push-stand with peaceful looking yet lively feeling prayer flags. They made me stop and stare for a while. The sunshine happened to only shine on these opened prayer flags displayed in the front of the stand. sky, white cloud, red protecting god, green water, and yellow land, I felt the scriptures on flags were mumbling to each other... I hope they were not talking something bad about me.

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