Monday, September 19, 2022

Kit & Claw

I forgot to post this! I did this for Copic Award this year and submitted on August 28th. It took me a couple months to just think about what to draw, and I'm glad that I finished it all before deadline on Sept 15!

Because after my pencil sketch's done, I was afraid to ink directly on it for possible mistakes. So thank goodness my light pad's powerful light, it was able to project my very light pencil outline through such a thick 300series Bristol drawing paper! So I traced and inked on a new sheet. 

And then after successfully inking, I was afraid to make coloring mistakes directly on my ink sheet, too, so I pulled another new sheet again and color on top of the ink sheet through light pad. And of course I'm not experienced with coloring comic strips, so mistakes did come in and this whole process took...f o r e v e r.

Also this size is bigger than 11x16 inches, it wouldn't fit my scanner, so I can only take a picture.

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