Thursday, February 18, 2016

The McRae Clan

This drawing was done for Casting Director Yvonne for her family holiday card last Christmas, and it's so fun to receive one in the mail, too. 

I had a fun time drawing the goofy kids and it came weirdly easy for me even though I've never met them in person. But I feel very guilty I didn't draw Yvonne and Holland as beautiful and handsome as they are both in person and in photos. I did very many re-drawings but I just couldn't get their essence right.

This is a challenge I hope to overcome and repost to show the difference some time soon.

I hope next time I see Holland he'd explain how much he loves eating shave-ice that he wears a Shave Ice cap in almost every picture Yvonne sent me. I found it funny so I kept his Shave Ice cap on before Santa hat.

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