Sunday, December 04, 2016

Joe Ciccarone

I thought it'd be hellish again to start a new drawing after another 6 months of creative hibernation, but it came out easier than other natural birth of my drawings because there was no hard pushing. Finished from the very first rough pencil line without erase, and only referenced from two clear photos that I could find on KMR's Facebook.

I think it's because I've known Joe for a few years now, so his being has been working in my head. I wanted to do a drawing of him awhile back to thank him for being super supportive of me, but I'm glad I waited. 

His face's from his formal wear with a tie picture at a KMR's holiday dinner a couple years back, and his body's from his KMR's halloween costume competition picture as Randy Savage this year. I changed MACHO MAN to 'TIS MACHO JOE. on his shirt.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Valerie Chiovetti

Val's drawing came from 3 photos combined. One is this open face with a smile/smirk plus a slight attitude with her mischievous flying blonde hair which I thought is very cute and fun. Another one is her sexy shoulder from another picture, and pointing hand with the sign's from another picture.

I changed the sign from "keep Calm and Carry On" to what's now in the drawing because Val's a diehard member of her University of Arizona Wildcat For Life (I almost wanted to draw that logo on her forehead). And she has a photo of herself with a cap with High Maintenance spelled with diamond, so I gotta put them all together. I felt like adding sexy because of her blonde hair, black eyeliner, red lips, and fair skin kind of reminded me of Marilyn Monroe look in the 50's.

The only thing I felt not completely satisfied with this drawing is that I was trying to go about a different style of drawing so I didn't do as much detail on the face as I used to. But then I didn't fully make it the way I felt this 50's look should go.

I forgot to scan the drawing before I gave it to Val, so it's a picture taken with blue-ish day light.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Doug Mangskau and his team

Looking through Casting Director Doug Mangskau's Facebook pictures was fun because he'd captured funny moments of his team members. And that's exactly what I needed.

Whoever got Trevor (far left) to act in front of the blue wall in the audition room like us actors do was a genius, because all these years going to Eastside Studios I didn't even know Trevor exists casting alongside Doug until last year. He hides in the casting office at all times and seem shy. So, this one and only funny picture of Trevor set the tone for the rest of my drawing choices.

And I was so happy to find Eron and Shayda's funny moments that will accompany Trevor's very convincing acting instruction. Doug is the only sane one in all the pictures, so he's leading the team for this drawing. Eron is the session photographer, and it's so perfect to see a picture of himself pointing camera at himself. And it's so fun to see Shayda's goofy side in many Doug's photos, because she is the session runner in the audition room and she's usually serious trying to get talents in and out smoothly. Drawing her blonde hair made me want to go blonde.

Super fun drawing them, started exactly from left to right, Trevor to Shayda, with very few erases. I think having enough of pictures to choose from helps so much to tell the story. it just pops up to me when looking through them.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The McRae Clan

This drawing was done for Casting Director Yvonne for her family holiday card last Christmas, and it's so fun to receive one in the mail, too. 

I had a fun time drawing the goofy kids and it came weirdly easy for me even though I've never met them in person. But I feel very guilty I didn't draw Yvonne and Holland as beautiful and handsome as they are both in person and in photos. I did very many re-drawings but I just couldn't get their essence right.

This is a challenge I hope to overcome and repost to show the difference some time soon.

I hope next time I see Holland he'd explain how much he loves eating shave-ice that he wears a Shave Ice cap in almost every picture Yvonne sent me. I found it funny so I kept his Shave Ice cap on before Santa hat.