Sunday, June 09, 2013

Dan Bell

It was difficult to find Casting Director Dan's photos online, so I asked him for it and he gave me a few... and the photos reminded me he's currently going after Gandalf look... But it's really no fun drawing Gandalf or Santa with beard cover half of his face.

So I had to dig harder again online for his younger looks... and I ended up watching Wayne's World and screen captured him. 

I liked this look from the film the most, and I added his glasses from his current photo and gave him stubbeard. I think he can still rock this look if he's willing to trim his Gandalf beard.

1 comment:

Peter said...

That's amazing!! :) I'm a big fan of Wayne's World and Neil always was a favorite character or the movies, he's so funny at this scene picking up food and candy hiding it in his shirt, trying to avoid Benjamin from seeing him. :) Great impression from your side, I really like it!