Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Portrait Head Caricatures

So being an extreme-r... this post I decided to share some of my caricature illustrations with portrait head style, which is totally the opposite from the simple contour line illustrations I did on the previous post. Both are very interesting and fun in their own way. I like to draw people because people are funny. But I can't draw people funny on their face because they'll get mad and won't buy my art, so I draw them pretty and handsome on the face, and give them the usual retard-o cartoon body (sometimes exaggerating depends on who I draw, but usually family members suffer) to have my fun.

I like to do bubble talk, too, to show some connection/humor between us as a friend or family. And it brings that special touch to the illustration, and I like to see people's smile and laughter when they see themselves through my perception and my friendship/relationship with them.
All my caricatures shown here are done in pencil, color pencil, sharpie and pantone markers, and couple bubble talk words that look too perfect are from the transfer lettering.

1 comment:

stephsteph said...

I love this.. OMG they look so real (ok I only know how the real RAul look) ahahah but I love your comments on making them all pretty with a "retard" body.. u are too funny & talented...