Thursday, July 08, 2010

Lovely Best Friend - Pastel Dog Series

Dogs are the cutest thing on earth! When you shout high-five, they probably come faster than your friends and family! Before this post, I was just watching a cute clip on youtube about a dad's high-fiving his baby in the booster seat but baby's too little to understand it and the dog sitting next to the baby was watching first but probably seeing no reaction from the baby, s/he started passionately cutting in front to give its high-five like non-stop! How cute is that?

I started this series at the beginning of this month, and they are the first ten I finished by yesterday. There will be more coming, at lease I should draw my Yorkshire Terrier! They are done in soft pastel and size is 8.25x8.25 in, I also named them the way they looked to me... (the format here doesn't allow me to label under each image, so the names below go like the image grid above)

White Face Husky  |  Blushing Poodle  |  Pirate Jack
Pudding Shih Tzu  |  Eyepatch Terrier  |  Marshmallow Bichon
Earmuff Beagle  |  Beard Schnauzer  |  Bat Ear Chihuahua
Pink Bow Bull

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! I wish I could frame it on my wall with an autograph. =D