Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Carol Scott 3 (digital)

This is the 3rd time I drew my White mom Carol but on phone. It still took some struggle just like when it's on the paper and many days sleeping on it. 

And one day I opened up the drawing app and saw the pencil outline with fresh eyes, I easily spotted what needed to be fixed, and it was one of her eyes. 

And like I said before, when the eyes are done right, the rest will follow. So quickly I tweaked that one eye and the next thing is I finished the drawing. In the car. And in the dark. :)

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Dad (digital)

Drawing my own dad was so difficult that I just couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. I literally non-stop drew and erased for hours on my phone and it took a few days to finally got it. 

I thought my dad's iconic triangle eye shape would be so easy to capture the essence but it was the opposite.

I was exhausted afterwards and I just decided to leave it like a pencil drawing. Sent it to my dad and he thought he looked handsome, so mission accomplished.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Grandma (digital)

Drawing grandma on phone using Autodesk Sketchbook app as well, and this time I used pen as if it's real pen on real paper, so no erase/undo.

Therefore, all lines from the process shown, and I kinda like the style, I guess because it reminds me of the old days of sketching on sketchbook with a cheap ballpoint pen.

Wanna give grandma a softer feel, so added second layer for watercolor. Based on her floral blouse's pastel colors.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jay (digital)

As a sloth, I slowly move to digital era. Still not really used to it, but I started sketching on mobile device, this is done on Samsung Note10+.

Using Autodesk Sketchbook app, and with HB and 6B pencils. Drawing one of my cousins.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Julia Parker - digital

Yesterday it was my first time sketching faces with my Apple pencil. I felt like a little cheating because it was too easy to hit that "undo" arrow, and it expedited the whole process. It was a little unreal for me.

Whereas drawing on paper, it's a lot serious, almost like a ritual, I have to have the feeling for drawing for hours, and then clear my table and take out all drawing tools and drawing board, then I have to plan how and what carefully so that there's no sorry when inking.

Monday, February 04, 2019

Ross Lacy

OMG, it's so hard to draw Ross. I tried it last year before drawing Jeff Gould in October (the previous post), and I just couldn't nail it, so I gave up and went to draw Jeff first. 

And these two days I felt like trying it again with a different picture of him, and it still wouldn't give. Luckily I felt like sitting there yesterday all day (raining hard outside), and finally I got to where I'm pleased, where I felt it conveyed my impression of him.

And this time I also tried something I've never done before, I used the water brush pen filled with ink to outline the drawing. I filled one brush with black ink and one blue. Just felt like playing with the ink, but I had too much fun playing with the ink and didn't stop when I should, so I over-inked it and made a boo-boo  dark shadow on his neck. And you can't erase ink, so I had to lighten it by white charcoal pencil. Not a lovable mistake because it didn't change for a better result.

I combined his hand holding his Heller Awards from another picture of him into this picture of him just chilled wearing a t-shirt like he usually does.