Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Carol Scott 2

Obviously "Practice Makes Perfect" is not happening here, my drawing skill is going backwards big time for 9 freaking months slacking off. Drawing Carol for the second time is harder than the first time 3 years ago, and it took me the longest ever...

This took me months between trying and failing and sleeping on it. I'm punished by not practicing often enough, and I lost count of how many times I erased everything or started brand new papers. I could feel the creative angel was just not giving me. And then just before I called it for another fail day, I got it before I even realized I got it with a rough outline.

After finished, I was hoping to cut the drawing like I did with Michael Parisi (previous post) and put a solid color as a background but much pencil lines make it impossible, so I tried something new with pink and orange color grid. It's color of Carol in my mind.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Michael Parisi

Couldn't get the feeling right on Michael all day yesterday gave me depression. Thank goodness I had two glasses of wine last night before bed so I could sleep. Drawing continued today and still so many complete erases until towards almost the end of the day, I finally got it right before I felt I'm gonna vomit blood from my internal organs due to exhaustion like those in Chinese Kung-Fu movies when helping reviving someone by giving all your energy.

I was super elated when it's finally coming together. Because this time is strange, I got it by tiny tweaks of here and there instead of erase the whole thing and start fresh like I usually do. Very weird and different process for me. 

I didn't dare to add any color at this point, so left it simple pencil drawing but I cut out the head and added the ivory color card as background. Also added letterset lettering that I've never done on portrait before, fun!