Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Jeff Gould

Wow...not drawing for awhile did show on the first try yesterday. It was so bad that I shredded it as soon as I finished this one today that I'm happy with. But even this one took many many erases and start-overs. 

I've known Jeff for 8 years, and I thought it'll be easier. But no, I sat for double the time and it felt like I lost the drawing ability and I just could not get it right. After countless tries, I guess my hands finally warmed up, and it started getting closer in baby steps. 

I did this one slowly and left all the pencil lines there without erasing anything, and just emphasized features/shadows with black Prismacolor pencil. To make it go with his dress-all-black style. The only color is his eyes, very subtle blueish green.