Sunday, June 09, 2013

Dan Bell

It was difficult to find Casting Director Dan's photos online, so I asked him for it and he gave me a few... and the photos reminded me he's currently going after Gandalf look... But it's really no fun drawing Gandalf or Santa with beard cover half of his face.

So I had to dig harder again online for his younger looks... and I ended up watching Wayne's World and screen captured him. 

I liked this look from the film the most, and I added his glasses from his current photo and gave him stubbeard. I think he can still rock this look if he's willing to trim his Gandalf beard.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Katie Taylor

Drawing Casting Director Katie was quite a challenge because we had very few interaction with very few minutes each time, so I had to study her from all her photos like an investigator trying to analyze somebody... 

It was fun drawing her big deep blue mischievous eyes with her stuntwoman energy waiting patiently for show time!