Thursday, May 05, 2011

Twinkie Byrd - I Am Can't

So after I landed La La Land last month, Twinkie was the first Casting Director I met in LA. And I remember my first impression of her was her cool afro like the picture you see here... I almost wanted to lean forward and touch it but I'm too short. Because I've always wanted to try out different hairdos especially like afro or dreadlocks, so that people won't miss me passing by. :)

I drew Twinkie in the shirt that I was in for audition as a hip I.T. Girl, and she really loved the shirt. So I thought before I can go back to Taiwan and find one for her, I can use my drawing skill to draw her with the shirt to have the satisfaction in the eyes.

Plus, I listened to one of her interviews last month on the 18th on, and her advice for new comers to the "Ocean" (La La Land) is only true and honest. I'm glad that I listened to it. And I love her energy and laughs, I can even feel it when looking at her through this picture. 

'I Am Can't' is her soon coming book, I'm looking forward to reading it. Because I'm interested in knowing how she went through all those "no, you can't do it" and she's now very successful. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Caricature Portrait - Chong Lee

I haven't drawn anybody for awhile, I did this yesterday for a friend Chong, the cinematographer for SF Stories movie. It was really fun/challenge drawing him because it took me several erases until I nailed it, and it's so interesting to me that as soon as the right feeling's captured on the face, every line and movement of the rest of the body just followed easily without suffering any further erase. It felt like as if the soul got in the character and my hand just started finishing what needed to be done. The caricature then felt alive to me.

Anyone want to have their caricature portrait done? Send me a message! I love to do caricature portraits that show the characters' personalities and emotions, no exaggeration on physical features other than big head and small body ;)